Khanmigo pricing

For Teachers

Get started — it’s free

Sign up for free today and start checking items off your to-do list.
Generate standards-aligned, differentiated lesson planning tied to our content library.
Get an on-demand summary of student work to assess progress and identify areas for support.
Create learning objectives, rubrics, and even exit tickets.
Refresh your content knowledge in various subject areas.
Access your Khanmigo chat history.
For you



Save $4 w/ annual
Master skills with personalized tutoring on Khan Academy's world-class content.
Write and debate with guided prompts and immediate feedback.
Advance in your career with coaching.
Hone coding skills with real-time feedback.
Access your chat history.
Select plan
*Sales tax not included in Khanmigo pricing.
For families



Save $4 w/ annual
Add children from your parent account.
View the history of your children’s interactions and get moderation alerts.
Master skills with personalized tutoring on Khan Academy's world-class content.
Write and debate with guided prompts and immediate feedback.
Navigate college admissions with personalized coaching.
Hone coding skills with real-time feedback.
Select plan
*Sales tax not included in Khanmigo pricing.

Khanmigo District Tools

Request pricing
Everything in Khanmigo for teachers, plus:
Khanmigo access for teachers and students in your district
District and school data to drive instructional decisions
Co-teaching support, automatic rostering, and single sign-on (SSO) through Clever SecureSync or ClassLink
Dedicated customer success manager
Tailored professional learning on AI